João da Graça was born in Cape Verde islands and he lives and works in Mindelo, São Vicente Island where he did his complementary studies in the Industrial and Commercial School of Mindelo and in that school he did the General Course of Mechanic.
He draws since he was a child and one day he realize that he had to study more in order to improve his works. In his Island didn\'t exist a School of Art and then he decided to start a Course of Draw and Painting by Correspondence at the School of Álvaro Torrão situated in Portugal, which he didn\'t accomplished. This course was directed by José Maria Parramón and he did his first ?contact? with some Spanish Painters such as Guillermo Fresquet Bardina with whom he learned Watercolor, José Maria Parramón and Rosendo Gonzalez Carbonell with whom he learned the painting of figures and also with Francisco Serra, This was in 1985. Since that time he started learning about other painters at the library of the Alliance Française of Mindelo by reading the art encyclopedias and he did an approach with the art of Van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, Paul Cézanne, Renoir, Manet and a lot of others Universals art masters. He always says: Thanks to Da Vinci!
Individual Exhibitions:
2007 ---?Afrique? in the Municipal Library of Banalec in France
2005 --- ?Tic-Tac de Mindelo? in the Galerie Acueille of Alliance Française in Mindelo, Cabo Verde
2004 --- ?TerrAmada? in the Cultural Center of Mindelo, São Vicente, Cabo Verde
Combined Exhibitions:
2000 --- ?Comemoração ao Poeta José Lopes? in the Cultural Center of Mindelo, São Vicente, Cabo Verde.
1997 --- Cultural Center of Mindelo, São Vicente, Cabo Verde